Webscraping, Cleaning and Analysis of Data using Tableau Public

Python, BeautifulSoup, Tableau Public

Posted by Vipin Ragashetti on August 21, 2019 · 1 min read

The Data is extracted from offical English Premier League website with the help of python library called BeautifulSoup. This pulled out data is stored in CSV format. The file name is in the form of premier_league_.csv

Collected Data Description:

The data mainly consists of statistics of 20 clubs in English Premier League for season 2019-20. These fields are:

  • team
  • website
  • total_matches_played
  • total_wins
  • total_losses
  • total_goals
  • goals_conceded
  • clean_sheets
  • goals_per_match
  • shooting_accuracy
  • total_passes
  • pass_accuracy
  • own_goals
  • errors_leading_to_goal
  • yellow_cards
  • red_cards

Exploratory Data Analysis is done on this extracted data with help of Tableau Public and sheets are hosted in Tableau Public Cloud.

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