Exploratory Data Analysis using Python

python, numpy, pandas, matplotlib, seaborn

Posted by Vipin Ragashetti on September 15, 2019 · 1 min read

Analysis of Stock Prices using Pandas Datareader

Analysis is done with help of Jupyter Notebook Application.

Pandas DataReader library is used to extract data from internet sources into DataFrame. We have picked up yahoo website to extract stock data for below listed companies.

  • Bank of America
  • Citi Group
  • Goldman Sachs
  • JP Morgan
  • Morgan Stanley
  • Wells Fargo

Analysis of 911 Emergency Calls

Analysis is done with help of Jupyter Notebook Application.

Dataset is obtained from Kaggle.

The data contains following fields:

  • lat : String variable, Latitude
  • lng: String variable, Longitude
  • desc: String variable, Description of the Emergency Call
  • zip: String variable, Zipcode
  • title: String variable, Title
  • timeStamp: String variable, YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
  • twp: String variable, Township
  • addr: String variable, Address
  • e: String variable, Dummy variable (always 1)
  • shooting_accuracy
  • total_passes
  • pass_accuracy
  • own_goals
  • errors_leading_to_goal
  • yellow_cards
  • red_cards

Click here for Source Code of Stock Data Analysis.

Click here for Source Code of 911 Emergency Calls Analysis.